[CÓMO] Ubuntu: Pantalla conectada y tapa cerrada en un portátil | Ubuntu-es

[CÓMO] Ubuntu: Pantalla conectada y tapa cerrada en un portátil | Ubuntu-es.


2 responses to “[CÓMO] Ubuntu: Pantalla conectada y tapa cerrada en un portátil | Ubuntu-es”

  1. http://bing.com says :

    I actually had been browsing for points for my very own website and stumbled upon your
    post, “[CÓMO] Ubuntu: Pantalla conectada y tapa cerrada en un portátil | Ubuntu-es Blog de Juan Carlos Juárez Lobato”, will
    you mind if I make use of a number of of ur tips? Appreciate it ,Madeline

    • juancjuarez says :

      Of course you can use it as you need, but this is something that I found in internet. I’m not the owner of this information. I only needed it time ago, and after searching the sollution i decided to put it in my blog.

      regards, Juan carlos

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